Final Presentation.
Animation keyboard control
The gradual process of work at the IDAS school in South Korea.1st day.
We are studying how to create complex and simple objects using different programs. We count them among ourselves and mix them.
New programs: Sculptris Alpha 6; k3dsurf; Pepakura Designer;TopMod;
Others programs: CamStudio (screen recorder).
Sculptris Alpha 6
Very simple and easy to use sculpting program.
program for creating primitives for further conversion to a 3d program.
2st day.
We are studying how to create simple objects in TopMod or 4D Cinema, after that we export (.obj) file to Pepakura and do maket for laser cut, axport from Pepakura file (.EPS), size A3, to illustrator. Cleaning the model - delit background, and to divide autline from extension and numbers of pices. Save Us.. (.ai) file.
After that we send file for luser cut and choose setings for laser power. Enjoy the process and change setings if we are failed.
We are studying how to create simple objects in TopMod or 4D Cinema, after that we export (.obj) file to Pepakura and do maket for laser cut, axport from Pepakura file (.EPS), size A3, to illustrator. Cleaning the model - delit background, and to divide autline from extension and numbers of pices. Save Us.. (.ai) file.
After that we send file for luser cut and choose setings for laser power. Enjoy the process and change setings if we are failed.
New programs: Autodesk 123D Catch (we need to take so many picture of object 360 and make 3D from that), alternative: Agisoft Photoscan
Others programs: 4D Cinema, AfterAffects, Spatial Media Metadata Injector.
Pepakura Designer 4 + 4D Cinema/TopMod
Transferring an object to 3D without modeling.
1.Take photos the more the better around object.
SUCCESS! the quality is not very good, but just for an example. The program works better with a multi-colored or light texture.
3th day.
2. Do black and white mask in Photoshop, Import files (only photos) to Agisoft Photoscan, Import Mask.
Mask + originals photos.
3. Alight Photos - Build Danse Cloud - Build Mesh - Bild Texture.
export (*3ds.) - 4D Cinema.
*Something went wrong. Perhaps the photo lacks additional elements for orientation of the object in space*.. Try it on a more multifaceted subject.
Experements with form.
4D Cinema
Laser cutting.
Save the file from pepacura ai., keep internal lines and outline on separate layers in Illustrator 8 version. Open LaserCut 6.1 import your files.
Experements with the waves.
I am very interested in the aesthetics of randomness created by the object itself. How to catch the moment and interpret it to another object. for example, in a building or interactive installation. Is it possible to place the form in 3D space and interact with it? And how the space behaves when overlapped by layers.
3th day.
New programs: RealFlow, Spatial Media (Metadat inspector for youtube 360*).
Home work: Make a 3d model (Mokap) of fabric waves and make variations for laser cutting. learn realflow and plagin Mcloth (4D cinema). Make a high-quality panorama 360* for YouTube. Make a quality model using a 3d scanner.
1). I would like to dance pair dances, but every time I can’t feel a partner and always step on his feet. But what if I danced with saba myself? It could be frame for a person: attach perpendicular to the moving points of the spokes on the tips of which the cloth will be attached When the man waltzes, the fabric will repeat the movement.
2) When I go home on the bus, I always want to stick on the window of a character, so that he would jump through the tips. Maybe could create a trinket with a simple mechanism that can be stuck on the window and jump, for example, with a bunny through obstacles.
3) I would like to create a simple kinetic mechanism simulating a fabric, rather than sea waves.
Mood Board for disign form vape with progection inside. I would like to make it look more like an accessory.
I would like to show how people interact with the image of nature. touching her is destroying.
I try made another 3 models.
2) When I go home on the bus, I always want to stick on the window of a character, so that he would jump through the tips. Maybe could create a trinket with a simple mechanism that can be stuck on the window and jump, for example, with a bunny through obstacles.
3) I would like to create a simple kinetic mechanism simulating a fabric, rather than sea waves.
Waves variation forms.
Make a smooth transition of photos with modifications.
program that divides the model into layers for cutting.
Incarnation in the form of a street installation.
depending on the position of the color changes.
6th day.
Projections for steam from vape.
1. make smouke mashine.
2. project laser picture ( make with kaleidoscope)
3. fake model vape insaid with laser prototype. Desingn - in the form of a spiral shell. Look like accessory.
possible projections using a laser. I would like the projections to look more like a kaledoscope.
perhaps the laser is not safe for close use, it is possible to make a scattering film.
Prototypes of Kaleidoscopes. Perhaps a glow from this example is not enough. I would like to combine the kaleidoscope with a laser, without the use of mirrors, since it is not safe.
I made a steam mashine. Because it is a simple cheap option for constant experimentation.
materials:Glycerol, Power supply 12v 2A, nichrome spiral, plastic and metal caps.
Mood Board for disign form vape with progection inside. I would like to make it look more like an accessory.
8th day.
I chose one project out of two. Now I'm creating a kinetic installation that reacts to human touch.
I tried to write a controller to reacts to human touch in VVVV + Mechanical Keyboard.
Luser cut Model
control by VVVV
Models variation
I would like to show how people interact with the image of nature. touching her is destroying.
I try made another 3 models.
The question: how the button will look, whether indent and space between the frame and the plastic holes are needed?